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Who are we and what do we do?

Ко смо и шта радимо?

What brings us together and connects us

The world is changing with increasing acceleration, which may scare us. New technologies are developing exponentially, introducing changes in all human activities and areas of our lives.


The time when we could have predicted professional lives of our own and of our children is over. Parents of today's schoolchildren repeat what they heard from their parents - " study, have good grades, finish college to get a good job ", and that has not been enough for a long time.


The school system has not changed for more than 150 years. The main concern of students, parents and teachers are grades and good results, because " they bring passage to a higher level of education, and then to a well-paid position" , which is what good students strive for.


The knowledge they acquire is fragmented, short-lived and poorly applicable in the real world and in solving real problems.


Although knowledge has never been more important, the question arises as to what knowledge and skills will be needed to work in a time of smart and super-fast technology, which is coming quickly. Most of what is tested on exams  is easily accessible via a regular mobile phone.


On the other hand, it is impossible to measure and objectively assess the abilities, knowledge and skills needed for jobs where machines will not be able to replace humans in the near future. That is why the development of these abilities is generally not even done at school. And students learn the most what is examined the most…


We believe that change is possible in the way that changes usually occur - from a seed, from an idea and a small number of people who believe in it. We are working to create an atmosphere in which students can develop the necessary skills and knowledge without the pressure of assessment and testing.  In that way, by learning, through connecting and applying, collaborating and solving problems, overcoming obstacles and creating something new, students have a clear insight to contribute to real change and betterment for people, the community and the planet.


What is important to us?

  Our vision.  With our ideas and work  we strive for a different reality in which young people in Serbia actively build their knowledge and abilities, motivated by a sense of meaning and purpose of what they do, as well as being aware of their contribution to the well-being of their people and humanity, preparing to take initiative and responsibility in a rapidly changing world .


What do we strive for?

   Our mission.  We are committed to creating a dynamic and inspiring environment in which young people have the opportunity to acquire, connect, apply and see the purpose of the knowledge and skills needed in the modern and future world. We want to create opportunities in which young people can learn about modern trends in technology, economy, science and society. When it comes to finding a role in which they can provide the most, we want them to be lead by a broader view and a vision of the future.




Captain Miša Anastasijević

We believe that it is important for the upbringing of honest, enterprising and noble young people to have good role models and a strong support in their identity. Captain Miša Anastasijević largely embodies our very values - honesty, entrepreneurship, nobility and great commitment to the family, the people, the homeland and humanity.

They said of him:

"He was neither strict nor reactionary, and he did not have the trait of stubbornness at all. He was a man of wide spirit and noble heart. He knew how to live like a great gentleman, using the pleasures that life provides, but also to do cultural works. He was a gentle father to all members of his family, as well as to those who lived under his roof. He was a good teacher to everyone, but above all a good Serb. He loved his homeland infinitely and subordinated his personal interests to the general ones. " 



We believe that the time of dizzying changes and ubiquitous technology requires us to nurture the most humane in us, which makes each of us unique, as well as to develop knowledge and abilities, with which we should not worry that machines will ever displace us. That is why we present ourselves to you here with our beliefs, feelings and visions, and not only with our knowledge and achievements.


Goran Milicev

Our students are great, but not thanks, but despite the system that molds them. My vision is to create an environment where they will have the opportunity and desire to learn and develop their abilities, because they see in it the meaning and opportunity to contribute to the common good.


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Milica Bojovic

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Milena Markovic

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Nikola Fišić

Knowledge is necessary for us, but I think understanding is even more important. My goal is to help everyone understand what I've learned the hard way - you don't have to know every word in the book, but make an effort to know what each word you've learned means, because only then does a world of whole new wonders open up.


Milena Markovic

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Nikola Fišić

We should understand education as a means of developing our own
of the best abilities, because the fulfillment of personal dreams and hopes can
be good for all of us.

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